The Best of 2021

2021, a less sucky 2020. This decade is off to a crappy start, but there were some bright spots this year, let’s talk about them!

Best Comedy Special

Phillip Kopczynski: Live at the Spokane Comedy Club

Full disclosure: I have eaten at Phillip’s house and rode on his boat. With that being said, his special was a delight! This may be easy for me to say seeing what he did to get it out to the world. He produced it himself, paying a team to film and edit it. He got a distributor to get it out to the masses (and that is easier said than done) and promoted it almost entirely by himself. That would be an achievement all on its own if it wasn’t for the fact that he is not a household name. He isn’t selling out theaters. He is a guy that works and believes in himself and continues to push and do the things that are needed to become that next big thing. I love the special and I hope you check it out.

Most Read Post

Not All Stage Time Is Created Equal

This is not a big blog. It averages a couple hundred a month which is about right for a no body. My most read post talked about looking at the stage time you are getting and seeing if it is worth all the effort you are putting into it…or the lack of effort. I think I got the idea after watching an open mic guy go up and do the same jokes he was telling for years now and it got me thinking what did he think he was getting out of it. I didn’t see it as valuable. I saw it as a waste of time, so I decided to waste your time by typing up my thoughts.

Best Trend In Comedy

Trying to correct wrongs

Comedy has a lot of problems with it…a lot, but one thing I have seen is that bigger comedians are trying to do better for the comedians in the lower ranks. I have seen guys give more money to features and try to diversify the line up so the show is a bit more appealing to a larger demographic than just the people that pay to see them. This opens the doors for minorities as well as women to get more pay out of their stage time and that is always great.

Worst Trend In Comedy

Big comedians complaining about being cancelled

I watched no less than three specials this year where the comedian talked about getting cancelled and how it is out of control. Not only is that ridiculous, but it is pretty odd that they complain about getting cancelled for saying stuff…while they are saying the stuff and going on to make a great living. I was under the impression that getting cancelled meant you could no longer work and was kicked out of society. What is happening to these guys (and they were all guys by the way) is they are saying something terrible, people say it’s terrible and they continue about their lives. That is not getting cancelled, that is getting called out on your bullshit.

I watched Dave Chapelle’s latest special and it started great…until he leaned in to the things he was talking about for three specials and how he was going to get cancelled, but he went on to get his documentary shown (the same one he complained about not having a distributor) and make more money! It’s like as these comedians get older and the longer people have told them they are the greatest the more they want a one way conversation. That is not how speech works. If you say something stupid people can say it is so. You either have to admit to it or keep it moving. Instead these guys are beginning to act like babies.

That’s it for 2021. I have one last show and then I am on to 2022 where there are shows all over the country. I hope 2022 grows my comedy a bit. I want to do a monthly sketch. I want to release another album (or two) and I want to do a couple shows with my buddies. I hope the new year greets you warmly and without covid in your body. Thanks for reading my bullshit.