Truths Most Comedians Don’t Want to Hear (Including me)

We all live in bubbles. Some of our bubbles are really small. A comedian’s bubble is usually just around themselves. We tend to develop and form opinions about our industry in our heads and then we get corrected by those that know along the way. That means there are some things that a lot of comedians out there haven’t heard, or really don’t want to hear. That includes me.

No Matter How Much You Rewrite That Joke it Just isn’t Funny

Not every thing we puke up onto a pad is gold, or silver, sometimes it is just a thing that will not generate a laugh. It may have been funny for a fleeting moment, but maybe that moment is gone and now you have to come to terms with the fact that every once in a while, you write bullshit.


So many comedians are rocking the same act from years ago and wonder why your family and friends don’t want to see you anymore. Write. If you don’t have time, make time. If you deem it important then you will make time.

You Can’t Get Booked if You Are Not Around

For years, I have had many people come to me and ask why so and so and why this or that entity isn’t booking them. I usually say a bunch of shite that just boils down to: YOU HAVE TO BE AROUND! If you are sitting at home instead of beating the pavement and letting people see that you should be paid for your craft, then no one is gonna just knock your door down, put pants on you, and drag you to their stage.

Comedy Clubs Are Not Your Friends

I have a great relationship with the local club. The thing is, I understand that the club does not equal the people that run the club. The club has to make money. It is not there for me to pull my penis out on stage to make a statement. Personally the people that run the club may like you, but you may not be a fit for what they are trying to do. You may think you should get a headline weekend, but you don’t do near the numbers that someone else can do. Don’t take it personal.

You Are Not Funny Enough For That

I have tried getting into to many festivals, I have tried out for America’s Got Talent. I have participated in the San Francisco and Seattle comedy competitions. I have auditioned for many movies and television shows. I don’t get 90% of the stuff I am trying to do. What I have learned is to not look around myself and point fingers, but to search within and find out what I need to do to get so good that AGT can’t deny me or I win a comedy competition. It is hard, and it makes me doubt myself, but I think it is better than the alternative.

If You Don’t Act Like A Pro, Don’t Expect to Get Paid Like One

You show up late. Treat staff like shit. Never promote your shows. You do the bare minimum to be called a comedian, but yet you want to be taken seriously like one. It doesn’t work like that (most of the time). The people who are out there doing it all and doing it all professionally will have a better chance of getting where you want to be. Why? Because it looks like they have their stuff together.

The Takeaway…

These are just some of the things that most comedians will not even think about seriously because it means that they are not where they’re at because the system is broken (which it is) or that people got it out for them (they may), but because they are not doing enough.

All of these are things I try to ignore as well. I will see my friends out there and wonder why I am not doing that room or on that show. After awhile, I started to look at myself and try to fix those problems. It is not something that can usually be fixed overnight. You don’t go from avoiding communications with people to being a networking wizard over night. It takes work, but the first step is in knowing what needs to be fixed to reach your goals.